Chronic Disease Management

Hong Kong is facing the challenges posed by a rapidly ageing population, with over one million elderly people aged 65 or older, nearly 70% of whom suffer from chronic diseases such as hypertension, heart disease, diabetes or bone and joint problems. Chronic disease management is led by our multi-disciplinary team of medical professionals who are determined to deliver one-stop and systematic health options for patients. Other than controlling the disease and reducing the complication risk, meanwhile, we aim to prevent it by raising public awareness through evidence and education.

Moreover, we recognise the importance of the health management of the elderly. Apart from the prevention and treatment of acute illnesses, geriatrics is a specialty derived from internal medicine, which also places emphasis on the comprehensive care of the senior adult in terms of rehabilitation and home care. The geriatric department is particularly concerned with cognitive impairment and other brain degeneration problems, as well as common diseases such as muscle loss, osteoporosis and cardiopulmonary diseases.

Brands under EC Healthcare


Chronic Disease Management

Qualigenics Medical is a health promotion program supported by the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). We adopt “Disease management” model to deliver clinical services by a multidisciplinary and holistic approach. We aim to improve quality of life by providing high quality and yet affordable services to meet the growing needs of people with chronic illnesses and other general medical problems through treatment and education.